Unique to Pedrotti Master Driers the fully galvanized rear chassis (Not just some token parts) incorporating the entire frame, front triangular section and plenum chamber (standard on Super 120 R/S)
The complete galvanization process is done with a full immersion of the frame in a bath of molten zinc at a temperature of around 840 °F (449 °C).
The galvanizing protects the steel by acting as a barrier between the steel and the atmosphere, keeping your machine protected even in the most extreme conditions.
Being the first mobile drier manufacturer to bring dust extraction to the UK market in the mid nineties we have led the way from the start and still feel we are leading the way in terms of efficiency and quality of sample achieved. Don’t take our word for it speak to one of the 1500 farmers operating a Pedrotti Master Drier with dust extraction in the UK.
It works by removing add mixture and other impurities from the crop pushing bushel weights higher, adding financial value. Along with the financial benefits the system also provides a cleaner and safer environment around the drier, as well as keeping your farm yard a tidier and more pleasant place to work during a busy harvest period.
Built around the longest experience of mobile dryers operating in the UK market the augers and tubes we use today are the best yet. Using the latest in flight design and steel technology all or latest driers come with Hardox Steel wear zones as well as the highest quality hard steels for the rest of the auger. The Auger tubes are 5mm overall thickness made up of 4mm of C430 carbon steel and 1mm of Zinc galvanizing giving a long working life.
The “modulating” operation under the control of a PLC unit enables the burner to work from minimum to maximum delivery fully automatically until the set temperature is reached. This function also allows the burner to reach and maintain its set point more efficiently saving fuel, time and money, giving our system some great advantages over traditional cheaper modular burners.
Another great advantage of this new system is that it makes it possible for the operator to use the dryer with different products requiring varying and very different drying temperatures, without needing to replace the burner nozzles.
When burners have a “modulating function”, the operator has only to set the drying air temperature on the control panel for the cereal that he wants to dry.
Featuring touch screen control as standard getting rid of most of the old fashioned mechanical push buttons and timers which generally give problems as the cumulative effects of dust, damp and time take there effects.
This easy to use system comes as standard with the following features:
The Automatic Lubrication system is controlled through the driers PLC system and individual dosing units so every bearing on the machine gets the correct amount of grease at the correct intervals. The system also comes with the added protection of a fail safe alarm sensor so if you have forgotten to fill the greaser you will know about it. Filled though a normal grease nipple or with an optional quick fill grease gun available to purchase from Master Farm.
An increasingly popular option on our mastermatic machines along side the dust extraction system so that all the cleanings and waste materials end up in one place. The fan is mounted directly to the gravity cleaner pipe blowing the material from the gravity cleaner to the same waste collection area as the dust extraction fan, keeping the area around the drier much cleaner and tidier.
Pedrotti Master Driers use special designed stainless steel combustion chamber funnels to ensure that each calorie produced by the burners goes directly inside the crop, without any heat waste. Using triple layer cool wall technology the air coming from the fan divides in three different flow lines, producing a natural isolation of each internal chamber funnel.
Unique to our dryers the outside of the funnel remains always cold, and the user can touch it with bare hands without any burns. No heat dispersion means fuel/cost saving
Another Pedrotti Master Drier first in the field technology. We all know operating a drier can be dusty and dangerous work especially when it collects on the floor area around the drier. The Master Hoover Kit will collect all dry dust and debris from around the drier, operating in conjuction with the dust extraction will direct to a collection point away from the drier
Pedrotti Master Driers utilize ultra-strong internal gears and agitators to resist the extreme strain produced by high levels of moisture within the crop. As an additional safety feature, all our driers are equipped with a Drive Line Control safety system(DLC for short). This system is there so if the worse does happen and the agitators or the center auger have a problem the burner will turn off preventing overheating.
Pedrotti Master Driers use special 100% ICORENE® 1613 BK85 tanks. This premium quality black powder is used in the production of diesel fuel tanks on tractors, harvesters, trucks, buses and many more vehicle types.
This material reduces the risks of fuel explosion in accordance with CE legislation, furthermore ICORENE® grants the absence of condensation in the tanks during the colder months and therefore protecting the pureness and cleanliness of your fuel.
All new Pedrotti Master Driers now come with a 3 Year Fully Comprehensive Warranty as standard. We want to share with you our confidence both in the services we provide and the products we sell, something no other drier manufacturer offers.